1.1. License

If you would like to use ConPresso after a trial phase for a commercial project, please obtain a "License for commercial use". This license is available at the ConPresso-Website.

For non-commercial projects ConPresso is free of charge. However, we kindly ask you to register your project at the ConPresso-Website after a period of 90 days.

For more information please read Chapter 4, Information on the ConPresso Licenses.


Please enter the name of the licensee here. You have forwarded this information when you bought your license or made your non-commercial registration.


The licensee has to be a natural person or a company. Fictitious names or nicknames are not allowed.

License Key

Please enter your license key here. You have received this information when you bought your license or made your non-commercial registration.

System Version

This field shows the version number of the system you have installed. Compare this number to the one of the current version on the ConPresso website to check if there is a new version available.

When you have entered the licensee and license key please click on the button “Save license” to activate the license key.

1.2. Project

In this section you can configure the global settings of your ConPresso project. These settings influence the whole system.

Project Name

The project name enables the unambiguous identification of a project and it can be chosen freely. This is particularly relevant if you have several ConPresso projects and want your editors to be able to discern which project is which.

The project name is shown on the ConPresso login page. If you are using the approval mechanism and the send-email option, this name will also appear in emails generated by the system to notify users about approvals.


Use the dropdown menu “Approval” to activate ConPresso's approval mechanism. This mechanism is applied to the whole project and it is a central feature for editors working with the system.

If you decide not to use the approval mechanism, new articles and changes in articles will be online right after saving without being revised by the chief-editor, for example.

If a large number of editors is working on a ConPresso project, it is highly probable that the approval mechanism is required. This mechanism facilitates the definition of different responsibilities for individual rubrics in a project.

Sender of System Email

Enter the address shown in emails sent by ConPresso in the course of the approval procedure into this field. This could be an address like "ConPresso@example.com", for instance.

Sender of Administrative Emails

The administrator should be a person editors can turn to if they experience any technical problems or have questions about the ConPresso project. Please enter the email address of the administrator into this field.


The timeout specifies a period of time after which a user is logged out automatically if the system does not register any user actions. The timeout should not be too short so that users have enough time to enter the content elements of an article (e.g. text) or to edit them. Often editors need some time to think about the texts they are is writing with the WYSIWYG editor and usually they do not save the article in between. If the timeout occurs while an editor has written a part of text, this text might be lost.

The timeout function is primarily provided for security reasons. If an editor leaves his or her desk, the timeout will cut the connection between server and client after a certain amount of time, so that no other person can use this connection to access the system without having the appropriate access rights.

Please enter the timeout in seconds. The default value is 3600 seconds, that is one hour.

Max. Size of Images

To prevent that users upload images or files that are too large or not suitable for the internet to the server, the administrator should set a limit on the size of images and and files.

Please enter the maximum file size (bytes) allowed for images editors can upload via ConPresso's upload function here. The value entered can be 153.600 Byte (= 150 kByte), for example, this is the default setting preconfigured for this field.


The size has to be entered in bytes. (1 kilobyte equals 1024 bytes, 100 kilobytes equal 102.400 Bytes, 1 megabyte equals ca. 1.048.576 bytes)

Frequently the webserver's default settings limit the upload file size to 2 megabyte. The maximum size allowed by your webserver is shown in brackets.

If you want to allow the upload of larger files, the webserver has to be configured accordingly. Please refer to the documentation of your webserver for more information..

Max. Size of Files

Here you can enter the maximum size of files (bytes) editors can upload to the webserver by using the ConPresso upload function. Please read also the information provided in Max. Size of Images.

System Language

Please select the ConPresso system language here. This is a basic setting of the system that is relevant for new users and the login page of ConPresso.

Beside the language setting configured here, each user can configure his or her own language setting. For more information please read Section 3.1, “Edit Users”.

Base URL

This setting was already saved in the course of the installation and should not be changed unless that entry is inaccurate.

The Base URL is the internet address where your ConPresso project can be found. A correct entry is required for transforming absolute links entered by editors into relative links.

If you come across dead links on your website frequently, you should check this setting.

Example 14.1. Example of how to enter a Base URL:

Your website has the URL "http://www.example.com/" and you would like to place ConPresso in the subdirectory conpresso. In that case the Base URL would be "http://www.example.com/conpresso/".

Send Password

Users who have forgotten their passwords can let ConPresso generate a new one.

Passwords saved by ConPresso are encrypted, therefore the user cannot be sent the original password. Instead of that, ConPresso generates a new password and sends it to the email address registered for the user in the ConPresso user administration.

When the user has received the new password, he or she can log in and change his or her password as described in Section 1, “Edit Personal Settings”.

You can activate or deactivate this function here, especially if one user is trying to annoy another user by constantly requesting new passwords. This is not a security problem, as the new password will be sent to email address registered for the "right" user only, but it is rather a nuisance for the user who has to reset his or her password all the time.

Online Help

You can activate or deactivate the ConPresso online help here. If you deactivate this functions the question marks will disappear from the system.

IP Check

IP checks can be performed for security reasons. They identify the logged-in user by his or her IP address. You can activate this function as an addition to the standard identification procedure by sessions.


The use of proxies might cause problems with this function, as proxies do not use the same IP addresses. In that case, please deactivate this function.

Store Session in Database

ConPresso saves sessions in the database by default. If you prefer to use standard PHP sessions instead, please deactivate this function.

Access Statistics

With this setting you can activate the generation of access statistics. If this function is active, ConPresso will log each access to its rubrics and articles. You can view an analysis of these data as described in Section 3, “Statistics”.

Use Search Engine Friendly URLs

If you choose this option, ConPresso will use search engine friendly URLs. Your webserver has to support this function.

Frame Targets

Please enter the name of the target frames that you want to be able to display contents generated by ConPresso. If an editor creating or editing an article has the respective access rights, he or she will find the name of that frame listed as one of the link targets available.

If you want to provide multiple target frames for your editors, enter the names of these frames separated by spaces.

No. of Files/Images in List View

Define the number of elements displayed in list views like Section 2, “Work on Images” or Section 3, “Work on Files” with this option. If that number is exceeded, navigation links will appear and enable users to navigate back and forth between pages. Limiting the number of elements displayed to, for example, 10 makes orientation easier for users.

No. of Articles in List View

Define the number of articles displayed in list views with this option. If that number is exceeded, navigation links will appear and enable users to navigate back and forth between articles. Limiting the number of articles displayed to, for example, 10 makes orientation easier for users.

No. of Uploads

Use this option to specify the number of file selection fields displayed in the view described in Section 1, “Upload Files”. This value defines the maximum number of files that can be uploaded in one go.

System Homepage

Use this option to specify which page should be displayed if the ConPresso base directory is called up. This page could be the login page as well as any ConPresso rubric available.

Date Format

Use this option to specify which format you want the dates in your ConPresso project to have. For a detailed list of options please refer to Appendix A, PHP Date Formatting.

CSS File (Absolute URL)

Please enter the absolute path to your CSS file. The CSS file will be embedded into the HTML editor so that editors can see texts as formatted by the CSS code.

CSS Allowed in Editor

Use this option to specify which CSS elements editors are allowed to use in the ConPresso editor. For that purpose enter the selectors of the CSS classes into the field “CSS Allowed”, for example:

  • p.blue

  • .green

  • img.frame

These are elements that have been defined in the CSS file. To keep things clear a p.blue will be displayed for P-tags only, a .green will be displayed for all elements, etc. - the selectors will be displayed only where allowed.

Clear Logfile

Please define the period of time for which the logfile should save logfile entries. All entries older than the number of days specified in this field will be deleted automatically. Deactivate this function by entering 0.

For information on how to open and read the logfile please refer to Section 4, “Logfile”.

1.3. Workaround

Some providers do not allow the use of "LOCK TABLES" in their MySQL settings. If your system produces database errors related to this problem, you can deactivate the use of "LOCK TABLES" here. If you do so, please ensure in advance that there are not any users working on the navigation, for example.