
Nano2Life (2004 -2008)

The aim of Nano2Life was to merge existing European expertise and knowledge in the field of nanobiotechnology in order to keep Europe as a competitive partner of the US and Japan and to make it a leader in nanobiotechnology transfer in 4 years time. Nano2Life was tackling fragmentation of European nanobiotech by joining 23 so far unconnected dynamic, highly specialised and competent regions and centres with experience in initiating and running nanobiotech programmes. 

Nano2Life set the basis of a virtual European Nanobiotech Institute, focused on the understanding of the nanoscale interface between biological and non-biological entities, and its possible application in the area of complex and integrated novel sensor technologies, for health care, Pharmaceuticals, environment, defence, food safety, etc. The project delivered the base to build a lively nanomedicine community in Europe and initiated the ETPN (European Technology Platform for Nanomedicine) which is still successful in Europe. Our Association was one of the founding members of ETPN and is still involved as a board member.

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